Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Gender Socialization Essays - 1293 Words
Gender Socialization A baby is born and the doctor looks at the proud parents and says three simple words: Its a boy, or Its a girl! Before a newborn child even takes his or her first breath of life outside the mothers womb, he or she is distinguished and characterized by gender. The baby is brought home and dressed in clothes that help others identify the sex of the child. Baby boys are dressed in blue and baby girls are dressed in pink. The baby boy may be dressed in a blue shirt with a football or a baseball glove on it. The baby girl may wear a bow in her hair and have flowered pajamas. As the boy begins to grow, he is given a miniature basketball and a hoop to play with. The girl is given dolls an doll clothes to†¦show more content†¦In Nancy ChodorowÕs essay Ã’Family Structure and Feminine PersonalityÓ she examines the development of gender identity and personality. Except for the stereotypical examples I have given above which again are e stablished by the parents, Chodorow states that the development of a child is basically the same for boys and girls until the age of three. During those first three years the mother is the dominant figure in the childÕs life. The father plays a limited role until the child reaches the so called Ã’OedipalÓ period (beyond age 3). It is at this stage that children begin to try to separate themselves from the clutches of their mother and establish their own identity. Chodorow examines how different this is for boys and girls. KFRC radio disk jockey Ron Parker recently reported that out of a survey of one hundred fourth grade boys and one hundred fourth grade girls, the boys receive an average weekly allowance that is approximately 50% higher than the girls receive. On the average, the boy s receive $4.18 as compared to the $2.67 paid to the girls. To look even further, the survey reported that the boys only perform three household chores to earn their weekly allowance whereas the girls are performing twel ve or more. Why are the girls expected to do four times as much work around the house than the boys are?Show MoreRelatedGender Socialization And Gender Roles998 Words  | 4 Pagesattention to the gender equality issues many societies face. Is this increased awareness helping towards a neutral gendered socialization process which will inevitably eliminate the inequality? Gender socialization is the process where an individual is impacted by agents of socialization through their life stages which consequently creates the gender roles we see in today’s society. The only way to start working towards a gender equal world is by making changes towards the gender socialization process. GenderRead MoreAgents Of Socialization : My Family, Culture, And Gender861 Words  | 4 PagesSome agents of socialization that have had the greatest effect on me would be my family, culture, and gender. To begin with, culture has had a big effect on me in the sense that I am the complete contrary as my family members. It has affected me in a negative way since according to my family members, I do not act in a way that a Mexican person should. Since I am a vegetarian, my family often times accuse me of not being Mexican enough due to the fact that Mexican culture revolves around its foodsRead MoreGender Socialization : The Princess And The Frog920 Words  | 4 PagesGender socialization takes place in our everyday lives whether we subconsciously know it or not. Gender socialization is the socially learned expectations and behaviors associated with members of each gender. For example, If I were to say it takes my friend at least 45 minutes to do their hair before school everyda y, you would assume I am speaking about a friend who is a female as opposed to a friend who is male. This is because of the idea of gender socialization. As I stated earlier, gender socializationRead MoreGender Socialization1694 Words  | 7 PagesGender Socialization Sociology 100 Before a newborn child takes his or her first breath of life outside the mother s womb, he or she is distinguishable and characterized by gender. A baby is born and the doctor looks at the proud parents or parent and says three simple words: Its a boy, or Its a girl The baby is brought home and dressed in clothes that help friends, family and even strangers identify the sex of the child. Baby boys are dressed in blue and baby girls are dressed inRead MoreGender Socialization : Gender And Gender1040 Words  | 5 PagesWomen Studies 9 online Oct 8, 2015 Gender Socialization Gender, according to Lorber, is the product of a range of social forces that influence our gender construction through a system of reward and punishment. throughout my life, I have been taught to be a women by family and through society, all that at some point supported the goals I had for myself or created obstacles by challenging my own ideas of what meant to be a strong women. Gender socialization is the process by which individualsRead MoreGender Socialization Is The Aspect Of Socialization1492 Words  | 6 PagesGender socialization plays a part in pay gap within societies and America today. Gender socialization instills thoughts, behaviors, and attitudes into individuals throughout the lifespan. As a result, the outcomes of gender socialization, not only, prepares society for pay gap, but also prepares individuals to implement a gap in pay in relation to gender throughout societies. The discussion that ensues explains gender socialization and the impacts this has on, both, individuals and society in generalRead Moregender socialization992 Words  | 4 Pages Gender: Forced Upon American Society Growing up, many Americans childhood consisted of playing tag outside, having cooties, and experimenting with as many toys as possible. Hundreds of thousands of toys flood kid stores such as Toys R Us, Baby Depot, and KB toys. With imagination, kids are able to become doctors, presidents, and princesses during the contents of one day. Television shows such as Barney or Blues Clues encourage having such imagination, thus inspiring kids to want to becomeRead MoreGender : Sex And Gender Socialization992 Words  | 4 Pages Sex and Gender Socialization Before we learned this chapter, I didn t know that sex and gender are different to each other, all I know is that gender and sex have the same meaning which referred to male and female. Recently, I just learned the difference between sex and gender, which is sex is like our biological difference which what makes people male and female, while gender is what the society reinforces a person to be based on their expectations and behaviors of being a male and femaleRead MoreGender Socialization And Gender Roles999 Words  | 4 PagesEarly gender socialization is perhaps one of the most relevant issues and debates of early childhood. The beginnings of stereotypes for gender roles are typically established at birth, and continue a process of learning specific cultural roles and standards in accordance with the sex of the individual. Gendered interactions begin early in the family and hence influence the process of gendered socialization, as was such the case for myself growing up. Socialization comes from a number of sources:Read MoreEssay On Gender Socialization1574 Words  | 7 Pages Gender Socialization and Children’s Retail Children are known for absorbing information from the world around them. Therefore, what children are exposed to while they are growing is important, as they learn a lot from the world around them. In this paper, the process of gender socialization will be discussed and examined. In specific, how retail marketed for young children may have an effect on their development, especially as they distinguish gender. Socialization is general the process
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Determining Who Boy # 1 s Biological Parents Are With The...
Title: In Search of My Father Name: Anja Arbeithuber Group: Erin P, Brianna S, Caitlin B and Tiarne N Date: 09/09/14 Aim: The aim of this experiment was to determine who boy #1’s biological parents are, with the use of DNA fingerprinting. Hypothesis: If DNA samples are collected from different mother and fathers, then it can be determined which DNA samples have common genes fragments. Background: Deoxyribonucleic acid, or in its’ simple form DNA, contains the code for all characteristics of an organism which is completed by a double helix structure. The structure is made up of a back bone and the four gene groups which include thymine, adenine, cytosine and guanine. The double helix structure contributes to the cell division process†¦show more content†¦DNA samples can be extracted from hair, blood and skin. Siblings have different DNA fingerprints because everyone has 23 pairs of chromosomes and for each pair one is one of your mother’s chromosomes and the other is your father’s chromosomes. Other than identical twins no other people have exactly the same DNA. DNA fingerprinting is used every day to determine whose parents or siblings are whose, it is used in crime scenes to determine who was at the scene, can be used to determine where a certain inherited gene is inherited from and it can be used to identify a body that is deceased. During elec trophoresis an electric current passes through the agarose gel, therefore moving the DNA samples through the gel. The smaller the DNA fragment the faster it moves through the gel. The finished product will look like a series of bands, some will match up and some won’t. The different bands in electrophoresis represent different gene fragments. Found at: Equipment: †¢ Micro pipet †¢ 6x Micro pipet tips †¢ Beaker †¢ Agarose gel †¢ Gel electrophoresis mould †¢ 6x DNA samples (pre- prepared) †¢ Gel electrophoresis chamber †¢ Transformer (150v) †¢ 750ml buffer solution †¢ Micro sample stand Diagram 1: Safety: †¢ No water close to the transformer and electrical cords. †¢ Power is turned off when plugging
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Regulation Of Financial Market Manipulation â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Regulation Of Financial Market Manipulation? Answer: Introduction The North v Marra Developments Ltd [1981] case sets precedence in the area of marketing manipulation. As the facts go, stockbrokers had brought proceedings against a client company claiming remuneration for services rendered. In their defence, the client company argued that the contract under which remuneration was being claimed was an illegal contract and as such, they should not be required to pay. With regard to the contract in question, the brokers had raised the market price of the client company shares to aid the client in a takeover bid for another company as well as to mitigate the defendants vulnerability to a takeover. The court held that contract and the subsequent actions of the parties amounted to an illegality and as such fees could not be recovered by the plaintiff(White Collar Crimes and Serious Fraud Conference, 2010). The following report has been commissioned to analyse the arguments and findings in the aforementioned case. It will highlight any breach of duties ou tlined in the case and discuss the rationale behind the Courts findings. Further, the study will investigate the contributions the decision has made toward the development of Australian Corporations Law thus far. An Examination for Breach of Duties and Responsibilities The following segment aims to examine obligations that may have been breached as presented in the arguments outlined in the case study. The prime statute relied on in the determination of this case was the Securities Industry Act 1970(NSW). The conduct of the parties in the case was found in contravention of the provisions of Section 70 of the Act 1970 which prohibited the creation of false or misleading appearances of active trading of securities in the bourse(Armson, 2009). This prohibition extended to the manipulation of the market price of the securities. Any person found in contravention of this provision would be held liable for a breach of duty not to create false trading. From the case study, it can be adduced that the scheme to reconstruct Marras share capital and subsequent transactions on the Sydney bourse were aimed at establishing a market for the defendant company at a price that would facilitate the takeover offer by Marra to another company. The deliberate agreement t o manipulate the share capital so as to paint a particular picture amounted to a breach of duty as per section 70 of the Securities Industry Act 1970 (NSW). Further, the Securities Industry Act 1970 (NSW) also prohibited market rigging by engaging, either directly or indirectly, in the transactions that affected the price of a class of shares so as to influence a trade in this class of shares. In the case study provided, Marra Developments Ltd was interested in engaging Scottish Australia Holdings Ltd for a takeover action. The market price of Marras shares as discussed in the case study was crucial to the completion of negotiations and the success of the offer. This is because the Scottish share price at the time of negotiations was high and it was likely that without the proposed share price a shareholder at Scottish would have fared much better trading on the market than accepting the takeover offer. As such, manipulating the share price was crucial to influencing the purchase and as it was deliberate this amounts to an outright breach of the duty against market rigging. With regard to current legislation, the parties in the case study provided would have been held liable for breach of s 1041A of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) which prohibits market manipulation by providing that individuals must not, either directly or otherwise, engage in transactions that would likely affect the pricing of financial products in the stock market by creating an artificial price(Wilson Burns, 2017). This breach of duty constitutes a criminal offence punishable by imprisonment of up to five years. In Director of Public Prosecutions v JM [2013] HCA 30, relying on the findings by Mason J in North v Marra [1987] and the provisions of s 1041A, the High Court of Australia found the actions of the defendant to be in breach of the provisions of statute and as such he was held guilty of market manipulation. The defendant had been brought before court on charges that he has conspired with his daughter and son in law to manipulate the trading price of X Ltd on the ASX. In addition to the contraventions illustrated above, the law also bestows certain obligations on company directors for which the actions of the parties in the case study herein amount to breach. Directors and other officers with controlling powers in an organisation must exercise their powers and execute their duties in a manner that adopts a reasonable degree of care and diligence(Langford, 2014). This is a fiduciary duty adopted into Australian Company law via the provisions of s 180 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). In exercising this obligation, a director must demonstrate that any actions or inactions taken with regard to company affairs were rational and lack the element of material personal interest(ASIC, 2016). In the case study provided it is evident that albeit their intentions were for the overall benefit of the organisations, the transactions undertaken were illegal. A reasonable director or company official exercising due diligence and care would desist from any transa ction that would result in an illegality on the part of the company. As such, the directors and officers involved were in breach of their duty of care and diligence. A Critical Analysis of the Courts Decision Ultimately, the position of the Court, in this case, was that the appellants could not claim remuneration as the contract for which they had rendered their services was illegal. Stephen and Aickin JJ, having analysed the reasons for illegality provided by the respondent were convinced that the agreement and subsequent transactions of both parties constituted an illegality and such conduct was in contravention of section 70 of the Securities Industry Act 1970 (NSW). The judges stated that the conduct of the parties illuminated a conspiracy under common law which led to an offence as per s 70 described above. They, therefore, held that the appeal be dismissed as the amounts claimed could not be recovered on an illegality. In his determination, Mason J acknowledged the finding by Mahoney J.A at a prior hearing that the plaintiffs and defendants had conspired in a scheme to reconstruct Marras share capital and to establish a market for the companys stock by engaging in transactions on the stock exchange. This conclusion is supported by the discussion between Mr North from the appellant company and Mr Killen a director from the respondent company as well as the answers to the interrogatories. In the discussion, the parties expressly acknowledged that the purpose of the arrangement was to establish a market so as to subsequently boost the success of the takeover bid. Further, in his determination, Mason J upheld the finding of the previous court that the references in the documents prepared by the stockbroker company to the Stock Exchange with regard to the share price were misleading. In the documents in question, the intended price of $16.50 was quoted as the market value, market price and sale price on accession. However, these references lacked backing by way of disclosure ascertaining the companys operations in the market. In essence, Mason J agreed that this lack of disclosure was purposeful to mislead a reader as to the significance of the price in future transactions like the takeover bid. In his analysis and determination, Mason J assumed the objective of the provision of s 70 of the Securities Act to be the protection of the securities market against any activity that would constitute artificial or calculated manipulation. In his view, manipulation would pervert the market price as it ceases to be a result of the interchange between genuine market forces(McIntyre, 2014). As such, this provision was a statutory measure to ensure a real and genuine securities market. He further held that mere calculation to create a false or misleading appearance accounting to breach; activities did not necessarily have to create the breach outlined. As such, culpable manipulation is determined by the intent to engage in an activity that would constitute a false appearance(Horefield, 2007). Guided by this analysis the court was, therefore, able to come to the conclusion that the appellants could not claim a recovery of costs for services rendered as their actions amounted to an illegality by virtue that they were a contravention of section 70 of the Securities Industry Act 1970 (NSW). The Relevance of the Decision to the Development of Australian Corporations Law As aforementioned, the North v Marra Developments Ltd [1981] case set precedence in corporate law and regarded as a leading case in issues of price manipulation and false trading. The holding in the case has been adopted in subsequent cases and its principles reiterated in subsequent legislation. The Corporations Act 1989, under s 997, provided a prohibition against stock market manipulation. This provision, in essence, adopted themes from the conclusions drawn in North v Marra Developments Ltd [1981] and similar prior cases such as Cargill Inc v Hardin {1971] USCA8 443. The current legislation, the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) maintains the principles upheld in the case via a prohibition on market manipulation and false trading provided for under ss 1041A and 1041B of the Act. The provisions of the aforementioned statute have been further developed through judicial interpretation evinced in case law. Cases such as ASIC v Soust [2010] FCA 68 relied on the rationale adopted in the case in question to analyse and determine the concept of artificial price with regard to price manipulation. In this case, a company director had purchased shares in his mothers name prior to close of the market for the year in anticipation of increasing the share price in order to earn a larger bonus under his employment contract(Inhouse Legal, 2017). The court found the director in contravention of ss1041A and 1041B of the Corporations Act guided by the reasoning in North v Marra Developments Ltd [1987] with regard to interpreting the concept of artificial price. Similarly, in Director of Public Prosecutions v JM [2013] HCA 30, the court relied on the rationale in North v Marra Developments Ltd [1987] to interpret the concept of genuine supply and demand.(Carter Newell Lawyers, 2013) As held by Mason J, this notion excludes parties whose transactions are aimed at setting or maintaining the share price. As such, the actions of the defendant in the case could not qualify as genuine as they were aimed at creating an artificial price. He was therefore found to be in contravention of s1041A of the Act 2001 (Cth). Conclusion From the discourse above it is evident that the main issue outlined in the North v Marra Developments Ltd [1981] case was the creation of false or misleading appearances in order to manipulate the price of securities. In this case, the stockbroking company laid claim to costs for services rendered to Marra Developments for a transaction culminating in a takeover contract. The Court in its deliberations upheld that the conduct of the parties amounted to a contravention of s 70 of the Securities Industry Act 1970 (NSW) as they have purposefully engaged in transactions that affected the market price of the companys shares in order to influence the success of a takeover bid with another company. This contravention further amounts to a breach of duty as illustrated above. Additionally, the discussion illustrated how the principles highlighted by Mason J in the case have affected the development of Corporations Law in Kenya. The case is considered a leading precedent in false trading and p rice manipulation cases. Further, the principles have been maintained and incorporated in subsequent statutes such as ss 1041A and 1041B of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). Therefore these illustrations, as discussed above, illustrate the significance of the holding in this case to Australian Corporations to date. References Armson, E., 2009. False Trading and Market Rigging. s.l., business Law Teachers Association Conference. ASIC v Soust (2010) FCA 68. ASIC, 2016. Directors-What are My Duties as A Director?. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 3 February 2017]. Cargill Inc v Hardin (1971) USCA8 443. Carter Newell Lawyers, 2013. What Amounts to artificial market manipulation of share prices. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 September 2017]. Corporations Act 1989 Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) Director of Public Prosecutions (Cth) (DPP) v JM (2013) HCA 30. Horefield, D., 2007. Review of Sanctions for Breaches of Corporate Law. Sydney: Securities Derivatives Industry Association. Inhouse Legal, 2017. Compliance: Theory and Practice in the Financial Services Industry. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 September 2017]. Langford, R. T., 2014. Director's Duties: Principles and Application. s.l.:Federation Press. McIntyre, G., 2014. Reforming the Regulation of Financial accounting Market Manipulation, s.l.: University of Sydney. North v Marra Developments Pty Ltd (1981) HCA 68. Securities Industry Act 1970 (NSW) White Collar Crimes and Serious Fraud Conference, 2010. Insider Trading and Market Manipulation. s.l., New Zealand Governance Centre. Wilson, J. Burns, A. G., 2017. Stock Market Manipulation Trials: Avoiding the Traps, s.l.: Denv
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Lord Of The Flies By William Golding Essays (1137 words) - Fiction
Lord Of The Flies By William Golding The classic novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding is an exciting adventure deep into the nether regions of the mind. The part of the brain that is suppressed by the mundane tasks of modern society. It is a struggle between Ralph and Jack, the boys and the Beast, good and evil. The story takes a look at what would happen if a group of British school boys were to become stranded on an island. At first the boys have good intentions, keep a fire going so that a passing ship can see the smoke and rescue them, however because of the inherent evil of the many the good intentions of the few are quickly passed over for more exciting things. The killing of a pig slowly begins to take over the boys life, and they begin to go about this in a ritualistic way, dancing around the dead animal and chanting. As this thirst for blood begins to spread the group is split into the "rational (the fire-watchers) pitted against the irrational (the hunters) (Dick 121)." The fear of a mythological "beast" is perpetuated by the younger members of the groups and they are forced to do something about it. During one of the hunters' celebrations around the kill of an animal a fire-watcher stumbles in to try and disband the idea of the monster. Caught of in the rabid frenzy of the dance, this fire-watcher suddenly becomes the monster and is brutally slaughtered by the other members of the group. The climax of the novel is when the hunters are confronted by the fire-watchers. The hunters had stole Piggy's (one of the fire-watchers) glasses so that they may have a means of making a cooking fire. One of the more vicious hunters roles a boulder off of a cliff, crushing Piggy, and causing the death of yet another rational being. The story concludes with the hunters hunting Ralph (the head and last of the fire-watchers). After lighting half of the island on fire in an attempt to smoke Ralph from his hiding place, they chase him on to the beach only to find a ships captain and crew waiting there to rescue them, because he saw the smoke. The novel is packed full of symbolism and irony. Golding also communicates his message quite well. "The title refers to Beelzebub, most stinking and depraved of all the devils: it is he, and not the God of Christians, who is worshipped (Burgess 121)." This is just one of the many examples of symbolism. Another would be that as the story progressed characters names slowly begin to change. A pair of twin boys, Sam and Eric, became know as Samneric, a single unit. Another boy completely forgot his name because he was just lumped into the group know as the little'uns. This is symbolic of the break down of the basic structure of society, identity. If a person does not know who he is then he can never function properly in society. The other tool that Golding uses very well is irony. It is very ironic that the group of boys finally get rescued because they accidentally lit the island on fire hunting down the last of the fire-watchers. From these example it is easy to make a conclusion on the message the William Golding was trying to convey when he wrote Lord of the Flies. "In Lord of the Flies he [Golding] showed how people go to hell when the usual social controls are lifted, on desert islands real or imaginary (Sheed 121)." Despite being heavily involved in the war efforts during the second world war, Golding managed to not become a war novelist, this does however, somewhat explain why most of the conflicts in his books are basic struggles between people. "He [Golding] entered the Royal Navy at the age of twenty-nine in December 1940, and after a period of service on mine sweepers, destroyers, and cruisers, he became a lieutenant in command of his own rocketship (Baker xiii)." So many of the authors of his time used the war as the back ground or main conflict in their books, but not Golding, he is able to use the war as his inspiration and write about the most primitive and basic struggles that man has. One must not think that Golding did not go unchanged from the war, because analysis of his pre-war poetry shows a much softer, more forgiving Golding. Golding's basic philosophy can be
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